Monday, July 12, 2004


Am I the only one who is already tired of the presidential election? I know, I know I should be paying attention, but the media has already made up their minds. We have the Approved Images(TM):

Bush: well-meaning, stumbles over his words, but a real cowboy. He'll get the job done. He may lie to us from time to time, but all in a good cause. And he's more sinned against that sinning. That rotten CIA is always telling him lies...

Kerry: effete, well-meaning but lacking in charisma. He would never have gotten us into the war, but that's a bad thing because he couldn't run a War on terrorism(TM). He flip-flops on the issues too much to be a good leader.

Both of those images are over-simplified to the point of being wrong. Neither man is (by any stretch of the imagination) a fool. You don't get into THAT level of politics and stay a fool. There are too many sharks in that water.

But we'll hear more sound bites, and fewer insightful articles that really compare the two men and there style. More chances to hear what kind of undies they wear and fewer chances to hear what they would do about job creation.

You know, when the net began to get important, I really thought that this would be the medium that let us get some stories with meat. Maybe we don't want meat. Maybe I should just sit down, shut up, and eat my network pablum.

Nah, probably not.

-Dave Reed

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